Customized solutions

Intelligent Inspection
In the context of 5G industrial drone inspections, particularly in areas such as power lines, oil pipelines, gas pipelines, and more, the utilization of 5G MiFi networks with low latency and high reliability features facilitates the achievement of unmanned, routine, and intelligent operations in adverse environments.

Smart Factory
Leveraging the high-speed data transmission and real-time data feedback capabilities of 5G, the implementation of applications such as intelligent handling, automated inspections, and remote maintenance in the factory environment achieves unmanned, routine, and intelligent operations, optimizing manufacturing efficiency.

Education Maintenance
Utilizing the robust computational capabilities of cloud systems, the integration of MR devices through high-speed wireless networks facilitates real-time motion tracking and spatial awareness. This fusion, coupled with step-by-step procedural simulation training, ensures wearers learn correct maintenance procedures.

Industrial Manufacturing
Through devices embedded with intelligent systems and employing a see-through display, real-time information is provided for problem-solving and verifying recorded resolution processes, reducing error rates. This approach, distinct from traditional handheld smart devices, frees up hands, enhancing efficiency.

Mobile Office
APAL MiFi’s 5G network provides high-speed and convenient connectivity, making it versatile anywhere. Whether at home or in a personal SOHO office, it functions as a comprehensive mobile 5G hub.

Smart Office
APAL 5G mobile cards are plug-and-play, transforming any location worldwide into your mobile office. Whether engaging in remote work, participating in virtual meetings, or operating a personal SOHO office, tasks can be accomplished effortlessly and rapidly.

Video Streaming
Supporting high-definition live streaming for international conferences, 5G video with low latency enables borderless discussions.

Video Streaming
Supporting high-definition live broadcast demands, providing high-quality live broadcast experience. Spectators can enjoy the 5G HD live broadcast technology through a variety of 5G smart devices to enjoy the experience of watching the match as if in person, and feel the exciting moments of the game.

Online Gaming
The high-speed 5G network facilitates game processing in cloud platforms, eliminating the need for expensive equipment. Game downloads and updates take less than 1 second, providing an immersive gaming experience.

Theater Tours
Mixed Reality (MR) can convert exhibits and collections into visual experiences. Interactive MR game experiences with visitors transform education into entertainment, creating engaging storylines even outside museums.

Audiovisual Entertainment
Integrating state-of-the-art hardware technology, MR interaction or gaming can be applied in large amusement park facilities. This combines virtual visuals with seats and environmental effects for a sensory-immersive experience suitable for all ages.

Video Streaming
5G remote live courses, facilitated by APAL 5G MiFi with low latency and high-speed features, enable high-quality 4K video streaming and a new experience brought by holographic projection technology.

Personal Travel
The high-speed 5G network facilitates game processing in cloud platforms, eliminating the need for expensive equipment. Game downloads and updates take less than 1 second, providing an immersive gaming experience.

Smart Education
5G remote live courses, facilitated by APAL 5G MiFi with low latency and high-speed features, enable high-quality 4K video streaming and a new experience brought by holographic projection technology.

Education Maintenance
Leveraging the powerful computational capabilities of cloud systems and connecting MR devices through high-speed wireless networks, real-time motion tracking and spatial awareness fusion, along with step-by-step procedural simulation training, ensure wearers learn correct maintenance procedures.

Smart Agriculture
An integrated smart agriculture system utilizes 5G’s high-speed transmission of 4K images for real-time monitoring systems and equipment controllers. Farmers can remotely control crop growth environments, reducing burdens, lowering labor costs, and increasing crop yield.

Smart Healthcare
An integrated smart healthcare system leverages 5G’s high-speed transmission of 4K images for real-time monitoring systems and equipment controllers. This allows remote control of healthcare environments, reducing burdens, lowering labor costs, and improving healthcare outcomes.

5G工業無人機巡檢方面,如在供電線路、輸油管道、燃氣管道等巡檢中,透過5G MiFi網絡低時延、高可靠的特性,實現惡劣環境下的無人化、常態化、智能化作業。




APAL MiFi提供的5G網路的高速及便利性的連線功能,讓你隨處無往不利。無論是家庭或是 SOHO個人辦公室,都能成為全方位行動5G中心。

APAL 5G行動網卡隨插即用,讓世界的每個地方都是你的行動辦公室。無論是遠距上班、遠端會議或是SOHO個人辦公室,都能輕鬆快速地完成工作。


5G 高速網路支援高清直播需求,為新聞記者、攝影師、戶外主播及無人機航拍愛好者提供高品質直播體驗。而觀眾可以通過5G智慧裝置,暢享親臨現場般的觀賽體驗,「零距離」感受賽事精彩瞬間。

5G 高速網路讓遊戲的運算處理在雲端平台進行,玩家不必投資昂貴的設備,就可以玩到超越家用主機的精緻遊戲。下載遊戲、更新檔只需花不到1秒,即刻擁有身歷其境的遊戲體驗。



5G遠程直播課程,透過APAL MiFi的5G網速,低時延、高速率特性實現高畫質4K影像即時傳輸,和全息投影技術帶來的全新體驗!

APAL 5G MiFi提供5G的速度飛快,透過智慧裝置就可以在國外的景點或博物館內,提供即時的翻譯,或是與導覽員互動對談,讓自我導遊的夢想實現。

5G遠程直播課程,APAL 5G MiFi提供5G低時延、高速率特性實現高畫質4K影像即時傳輸,和全息投影技術帶來的全新體驗!



APAL 5G MiFi提供5G的速度飛快,透過智慧裝置就可以在國外的景點或博物館內,提供即時的翻譯,或是與導覽員互動對談,讓自我導遊的夢想實現。

對很多醫學手術上,於病灶的即時狀況與空間位,經常是得透過想像2D掃描圖片來對應病人的實體位置,現在APAL 5G MiFi提供低延遲、高網速的網路,使用VR眼鏡透過數位化虛實整合能力,能將2D圖片轉為可視的虛擬物件融合於病人的身體部位,提供直覺與精準的參考位置,提高手術的效率與成功率。

APAL 5G MiFi提供5G的速度飛快,透過智慧裝置就可以在國外的景點或博物館內,提供即時的翻譯,或是與導覽員互動對談,讓自我導遊的夢想實現。